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I Female from the United Kingdom,married with two kids and a ton of animals.


I'm firmly stuck in the MM romance genre and write reviews on Goodreads,Amazon UK, and do guest reviews on a blog.


Looking forward to connecting with other readers who like to read about Boys loving Boys.

Special Forces - Soldiers

Special Forces - Soldiers - Vashtan, Marquesate, Aleksandr Voinov 5+Stars.Loved it.

BR with Andrea.




I really have no words to describe how amazing this book is.The story of two men on opposing sides opens with a harrowing scene.
The story here spans over 9 years(my favourite thing) and takes place during the Soviet War in Afghanistan.One of the things I was worried about was the war element but it was extremely well written,not overdone with just the right amount of detail needed for the story.

My emotions were all over the place reading this.It's gritty,violent,hard hitting,very difficult to read at times but in the end a deep,all consuming love between two men.The final chapter was so beautiful....the words,the emotions and the uncertain future for them had me in tears.

Highly recommend.