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I Female from the United Kingdom,married with two kids and a ton of animals.


I'm firmly stuck in the MM romance genre and write reviews on Goodreads,Amazon UK, and do guest reviews on a blog.


Looking forward to connecting with other readers who like to read about Boys loving Boys.

Guns n' Boys: Chokehold

Guns n' Boys: Chokehold - K.A. Merikan 5 Stars!









Loved it.I think this is my favourite book in the series so far,I can't get enough of Dom and Seth.
This one sees Dom,Seth and Mark finally crossing the border into Mexico but as usual things don't go smoothly.

Dom finds himself in a situation he hates.....not being in complete control.
As a result Seth finds himself having to step up.

As they both battle to do what they think is right there are lies and secrets which causes a huge divide between them.
It's no secret that I find Dom's jealousy over Seth insanely hot and this book is no exception.
These two are just so deliciously hot together,even when they're fighting you can feel the sexual tension.....
(bottle of water scene with Seth....I think I have that on repeat in my head)

Have to mention Mark who they have kind of unofficially adopted...I love that boy.I especially liked his interaction with Dom here....I would love for him to have his own book in the future.

It's difficult to go into the story in depth without spoilers but for fans of this series this will definitely not disappointed.I've read tons of M/M books and series but these two and this series are still unquestionably my favourite.

***Arc from Author***