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I Female from the United Kingdom,married with two kids and a ton of animals.


I'm firmly stuck in the MM romance genre and write reviews on Goodreads,Amazon UK, and do guest reviews on a blog.


Looking forward to connecting with other readers who like to read about Boys loving Boys.

Spencer Cohen, Book Three

Spencer Cohen (Spencer Cohen #3) - N.R. Walker 3.75 Stars



I've really enjoyed this series but this one didn't wow me like the first two,unfortunately.
So in book one there weren't any sex scenes which was how it should be given their developing relationship.
Book two was just delicious when they started getting down and dirty.
But,what happened here???
I wasn't looking for sex on every page but this was just lacking in the steam department for me

The focus here is on the way the relationship between Spencer and Andrew develops....it was so damn sweet,maybe too sweet?
There's no denying these two are perfect together and I loved the way Andrew was so devoted to Spencer.
There was just something missing here for me.It wasn't just the lack of steam....I wanted a bit more gritt to the story.

Despite my negatives in this one,it's a very enjoyable M/M romance series that I would definitely recommend......