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I Female from the United Kingdom,married with two kids and a ton of animals.


I'm firmly stuck in the MM romance genre and write reviews on Goodreads,Amazon UK, and do guest reviews on a blog.


Looking forward to connecting with other readers who like to read about Boys loving Boys.

Something Like Summer

Something Like Summer  - Jay Bell image

My twirling has gone into overdrive here.I'm on a bit of a roll with all the 5 Stars I'm throwing about but this one definitely deserves it.

I absolutely loved,

-the writing,

-the characters,

-the drama,

-the angst,

Yes,it's not all sunshine and roses....I couldn't read through the tears at one point .....but this book is the reason I love reading,I was swept up it this story and I'm so glad I read it....

The only thing I didn't love was not getting Tim's pov but that's about to be rectified......off to start book two and get inside his head.

Highly Recommended.