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I Female from the United Kingdom,married with two kids and a ton of animals.


I'm firmly stuck in the MM romance genre and write reviews on Goodreads,Amazon UK, and do guest reviews on a blog.


Looking forward to connecting with other readers who like to read about Boys loving Boys.

The Blueprint

The Blueprint - S.E. Harmon
I was a walking,talking cliche--the gay man secretly pining for his straight best friend.


Friends to Lovers story with two highly likeable characters with great sexual chemistry.

Ever since I read [b:P.S. I Spook You|35154638|P.S. I Spook You|S.E. Harmon|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1494948105s/35154638.jpg|56481268],I've been a fan of this Author.I love her writing and she always delivers on the witty banter.

Blue and Kelly have been best friends forever.Inseparable in their youth and their strong friendship hasn't wavered over the years.Sure,they love each other but what Blue didn't realize was that Kelly has been in love with him for as long as he can remember.

Blue is a successful NFL player.It's his passion,his life.He's never really been interested in anything serious and he's definitely not been attracted to men before.

Kelly is a Physics Professor and what can I say apart from the fact that I absolutely ADORED him,


He's gloriously geeky and a bit of a hipster type with his piercings,tattoos and he's got a whole lot of sassiness going on.I could have read about him forever.And he's out and proud.

When Blue gets drunk one night things get messy,a bit complicated....something neither of them saw coming.Blue definitely finds it difficult to embrace the physical attraction he's feeling towards Kelly.He's always been possessive in a friend's only way but this is something completely foreign to him.

I kind of got Blue.I don't think he consciously led Kelly on with the friends with benefits thing,I just think he was really conflicted and yes,there was a lot of back and forwards between them until Blue finally acknowledged his feelings.He definitely gave mixed signals to Kelly who tried so hard, time after time, to abide by the friends only thing but really neither of them stood a chance.

These two had some delicious chemistry going on and I was more than happy with the sex scenes,not too long and drawn out-perfect for the story.

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