I Female from the United Kingdom,married with two kids and a ton of animals.
I'm firmly stuck in the MM romance genre and write reviews on Goodreads,Amazon UK, and do guest reviews on a blog.
Looking forward to connecting with other readers who like to read about Boys loving Boys.
Cal lived in his silver cage, though his heart had outgrown it years ago.(...)
She deserved to know that I loved what had only ever been a chore to her.
“I think about you constantly. I wake up thinking about you. I fall asleep thinking about you. I’m always wondering what’s on your mind. I wish I could constantly hear your impressions. I think about what sort of gifts you would like, or places we could travel together. Even after we’ve been in bed ... (...)
Every song I hear seems to be about you. My hand doesn’t want to draw anything else. If I pick up an instrument, it’s you I’m playing for. When I’m working out, I’m thinking about the way you look at my body, how much I like it. I think about you more than I think about God now. So what else would I write about?”
The problem with second-guessing yourself is that you usually do it too late.