25 Following


I Female from the United Kingdom,married with two kids and a ton of animals.


I'm firmly stuck in the MM romance genre and write reviews on Goodreads,Amazon UK, and do guest reviews on a blog.


Looking forward to connecting with other readers who like to read about Boys loving Boys.

The Silver Cage

The Silver Cage - Anonymous 4.5

Cal lived in his silver cage, though his heart had outgrown it years ago.(...)


Outstanding writing,characters so well developed....this story will stay with me for a long,long time.

I'm not writing any kind of review because you really MUST go into this one blind.

I'm linking Jan's review and I mean no disrespect to other reviews but her review conveys the emotion perfectly,without any spoilers,that I felt after reading this.

Favourite quotes

She deserved to know that I loved what had only ever been a chore to her.

“I think about you constantly. I wake up thinking about you. I fall asleep thinking about you. I’m always wondering what’s on your mind. I wish I could constantly hear your impressions. I think about what sort of gifts you would like, or places we could travel together. Even after we’ve been in bed ... (...)

Every song I hear seems to be about you. My hand doesn’t want to draw anything else. If I pick up an instrument, it’s you I’m playing for. When I’m working out, I’m thinking about the way you look at my body, how much I like it. I think about you more than I think about God now. So what else would I write about?”

The problem with second-guessing yourself is that you usually do it too late.

Definitely one of my best reads this year.

More pics.





