4.5 Stars.
“I think I’m in love with you. And I don’t know what to do.”

I've got to admit to being just a little bit obsessed with Instagram,myself,so this was the perfect read for me.This series is firmly up there as one of my favourite MM series.[a:Santino Hassell|4942228|Santino Hassell|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1445991731p2/4942228.jpg] is a Master at taking two completely different characters and making them
fit together.

I was more than a bit fascinated by Ashton when he was introduced in book three and the fact that he's a bit
femme was just my thing.
To the outside world Ashton appears to live a gifted,glamorous life which he's happy to play out through social media.But,behind closed doors he's lost.Ignored by his wealthy family for being different,forced into modelling, all he wants is to be loved and he still craves respect from his family.
Val,grew up in the Townsend family,the son of Ashton's Nanny.Despite their differences they become friends at a young age.But Val hates everything about the Townsend family....their wealth,their treatment of Ashton,their ability to manipulate people.He's determined to make it on his own and wants no part of their money,but what happens when a secret from the past is threatened to be revealed?
They skirt around each other,there's angst,drama,a constant push and pull between them as they both figure out what they want from life and each other.
Out of all the books in this series,this one could definitely be read as a standalone but if you're a fan of gritty,real to life,flawed characters I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this series.
This review has been posted on Dirty Books Obsession