*** 4 STARS ***When I started this I wasn't sure but by the end I was TOTALLY drawn into the storyDANTE
This is another really hard one to review without giving too much away.We are introduced to the two main characters Dante and London and right from the start it's obvious Dantes interest in London is more than it seems.He has an interest in her before he's even met her.Once he sees her it's another story...he is captivated by her...

For the first 30% I wasn't feeling it that much to be honest...Dante kept showing up everywhere she was,she tried to resist him....back and forth it went..but then when they got together it
Totally picked up...
Dante is the ultimate Alpha Male,he's sexy,bossy,controlling and a complete asshole most of the time but I couldn't help but love him.
London is a feisty girl,hard working and driven in her goal to follow in her Grandfather's footsteps and run his company...
These two are explosive together and the sex scenes were hot and not overdone.
Like I said,it's impossible to go into the plot without massive spoilers and I thought I had pretty much worked it out until the ending..

It ends on a cliffy but for the way the book went it was the
BEST ending there could have been and I'm totally ready for London to get badass in the next one,if ever a girl needed to be high fived it's her!!!