25 Following


I Female from the United Kingdom,married with two kids and a ton of animals.


I'm firmly stuck in the MM romance genre and write reviews on Goodreads,Amazon UK, and do guest reviews on a blog.


Looking forward to connecting with other readers who like to read about Boys loving Boys.

December 2018
started following:
December 2018
reviewed: You. Forever. Always.
4.5“I’ve been incomplete without you. You’re the only one I ever needed, and the only one I will ever need. No one else would...
You. Forever. Always. - K.A. Merikan
finished reading:
December 2018
reviewed: Something Like Winter
4.5I'm not apologizing for fangirling again here.I've read this and book one back to back and have absolutely loved the writi...
Something Like Winter  - Jay Bell
finished reading:
December 2018
reviewed: Something Like Summer
My twirling has gone into overdrive here.I'm on a bit of a roll with all the 5 Stars I'm throwing about but this one definit...
Something Like Summer  - Jay Bell
finished reading:
July 2018
reviewed: Enlightened
PERFECTION“It’s just, I’ve loved you for so long, David. I really didn’t think you felt the same way.”I've been fully immerse...
Enlightened - Joanna Chambers
finished reading:
July 2018
reviewed: Beguiled
4.5“I don’t know what this thing between us is,” Murdo said, and he sounded genuinely bewildered. “But I can’t give it up. I ...
Beguiled - Joanna Chambers
July 2018
finished reading:
June 2018
reviewed: Return on Investment
4.5"Bankers like to think they are special.Court them.They like a bit of foreplay before you bend them over for the deal."Not...
Return on Investment - Aleksandr Voinov
finished reading:
May 2018
reviewed: The Song of Achilles
All the Stars! One of favourite books this year.......I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind,...
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
finished reading:
March 2018
reviewed: The California Dashwoods
4.5Maybe love was choosing to believe that it would all work out in the end.A modern take on Jane Austen's classic Sense and ...
The California Dashwoods - Lisa Henry
finished reading:
March 2018
reviewed: Hard Line
3.5Tobias was always a good boy,eager to please.When he was young he announced he was going to be a doctor so he could spend ...
Hard Line - Sidney Bell
finished reading:
March 2018
reviewed: Guns n' Boys: Gilded Agony
All the stars!!"Sometimes I think it's impossible for two people to be so closely connected.Maybe we've met in a different li...
Guns n' Boys: Gilded Agony - K.A. Merikan
finished reading:
March 2018
reviewed: Oskar Blows A Gasket
4.5You know when you read books by your favourite Authors and they all end up using the same format with different characters...
Oskar Blows A Gasket - Al  Stewart, Claire  Davis
finished reading:
March 2018
finished reading:
February 2018
reviewed: Every Time I Think of You
5++ Stars."Every time i think of you,it always turns out good...I stumbled across this one quite by accident after seeing a f...
Every Time I Think of You - Jim Provenzano
finished reading:
February 2018
reviewed: The Blueprint
I was a walking,talking cliche--the gay man secretly pining for his straight best friend.Friends to Lovers story with two hig...
The Blueprint - S.E. Harmon
finished reading:
February 2018
reviewed: When Everything Is Blue
4.5Absolutely loved it!One of the BEST friends to lovers stories I've read.I'm not a massive fan of YA stories but when they'...
When Everything Is Blue - Laura Lascarso
finished reading: