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I Female from the United Kingdom,married with two kids and a ton of animals.


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Soul to Keep

Soul to Keep - Garrett Leigh 3.5


Part of the Rented Heart Series but can definitely be read on it's own,however I would recommend reading [b:Rented Heart|29553199|Rented Heart (Rented Heart, #1)|Garrett Leigh|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1458396552s/29553199.jpg|49859665] because it's one of her best.

It's no secret that Garrett Leigh is one of my favourite Authors.Her books always hit the spot for me,however I was a bit underwhelmed here.

Jamie was introduced in book one and I was more than a bit fascinated by him and couldn't wait to get his story.He has been in California for the past year recovering from a drug addition but he's had enough of the sunshine and wants to return to the UK.He,randomly picks a small town in the Derbyshire Peak District to settle in and it's on the flight from the US that he meets Marc.

Marc, an ex Army Medic,is also recovering-from a life changing injury he got while in Iraq.Marc has it in his nature to care for people and he's more than a bit fascinated with the beautiful young man he encounters on the flight.

By chance or by fate,they find themselves living near each other in the same town.They start a tentative friendship which becomes more over time.It's a slow burn but given the men's backgrounds it fit the story perfectly.

Both men's recovery processes were extremely well written and believable but I just felt something was missing here for me.

Overall,enjoyable enough and I would recommend it...

Review copy provided by Riptide Publishing through NetGalley.